
Metamorphosis Balloon

By Jeremy Meltingtallow

Bizarro is brought to you today by Unbearable Sadness.

Okay, so here are two more cartoons. One is about a family in their living room. The other is about a family in the desert. What is this, Family Circus?

I went to a party the other night with an LA buddy of mine. It was the Writers Guild holiday party. Smart, clever, literate people with barely two dimes to rub together. It was fun. He’s a TV writer, so that’s why he gets to go.

What else to report? Nothing, really. I’m still squatting at a friend’s house in Van Nuys (different friend than the previously mentioned writer) and it’s great but I’m really ready to have my own place again.

This weekend I’m flying to D.C. to do a couple of comedy shows at a couple of charity holiday parties. That should be fun. Shouldn’t it? Now I’m not sure. Yes, of course it will.

More about my boring life soon. I hope it gets less boring.

Yes, you have been looking for the perfect holiday gift for not-so-much money. And yes, you have found it here: HERE.