
Sunday Punnies #19

By Jeremy Meltingtallow

(To see this image enlargerized, click the orange kitty cat.)

Bizarro is brought to you today by The First iPod.

Here again is one of my Bizarro Sunday Punnies series. This is where I use puns sent in by readers to create cartoons. If you’d like to submit a pun, do so in the comments section of this post. I won’t publish any of the comments with pun suggestions so as not to ruin it for readers if I should choose yours, or not to embarrass you if the pun is really stupid. So have no fear, your pun is safe with me.

By submitting a pun, you agree that you will get no compensation whatsoever other than the thrill of seeing your name at the bottom of the panel, and that you will not object to the picture I link to your name in the subsequent post. Today, congratulations are due to John Styles, Earlene B., and No Watchel. When you post your suggestion(s), let me know what name you’d like me to use.


1. Your pun suggestions must be your original idea, as far as you know. Don’t suggest things you’ve heard or read somewhere, please. My life can’t take any more scandals right now.

2. Do NOT include flammable liquids with your suggestion. Someone could get hurt.

A couple of readers who saw this cartoon on Saturday (some papers sell the Sunday edition on Saturday night) were confused by the last panel, “Busta Rhymes with Orange.” The deal is that “Busta Rhymes” is the name of a rapper or hip-hop artist of some kind, and “Rhymes with Orange” is the name of a charming and funny cartoon feature by Hilary Price that runs in lots of papers in North America and probably other places, too. Like “Bizarro,” she does not have regular characters, but just features a gag each day. She sometimes has a parrot, though, so that’s why I chose it. Busta Rhymes’ “music” often includes Parental Advisory labels, presumably because he has a potty mouth.

Rhymes with Orange website here.

Scary picture of Busta Rhymes here.

The perfect cartoon book for holiday gifts here.

Previous Sunday Punnies here.