
Clown Assault Capabilities

By Jeremy Meltingtallow

Feel free to look at a larger version of this cartoon by clicking the clown’s welder’s mask.

Bizarro is brought to you today by Weapons of the 1950s.

Today’s offering is another collaboration with my “known associate”, Wayno. He likes cartoons about clowns and often uses this seltzer-bottles-and-pies-as-clown-weapons motif. I added some extra humor to the drawing wherever I could and had a lot of fun doing so. Although I dislike clowns in person, especially when they are not confined to a stage and can enter my personal space, I love clown gags and drawing clowns in general. They’re much more fun to draw than to watch, in my opinion.

Here’s an old one from 2007.

If you’d like to read Wayno’s blabbery about the seltzer cartoon, check out his entertaining blog here. If, on the other hand, you want to be frightened by real-life clowns, click here.


Here’s where I keep bunches of Bizarro comics on bunches of products.