
Trip Pics

By Jeremy Meltingtallow

Had a great 2 weeks off. We hired a Jucy campervan (we don’t have a car) and headed to Gippsland and over the border to Eden before returning home via Christmas at Woodside Beach and a final state forest camp spot. Strange bylaws mean that you can’t have campfires on the beach, but you can in state forests (when there is no fire ban and we have had a lot of rain).

our jucy van for the fortnightBillie waits for luncheven 2 min noodles taste good when campingBillie and I in MallacootaPelicans wait for fish to be cleaned in Mallacootabody boarding in cape conranold tom the killer whale herded other whales to their deaths a century agobeach at EdenBillie near rock pools at EdenSnug Cove in Eden as the weather comes inon one of our Gippsland walksMcGaurans beach free camping but poor surfcooking christmas dinnereucalyptsthe fire keeps the mossies away in Yarra State Forestcampfire in our last stop, latrobe river, Yarra State Forest

Happy New Year and back to the drawing board…